Tuesday, December 24, 2019

In memoriam - Day 8 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

If she'd lived,
She'd have been 70 today;
But that was not to be;
She was, too soon, taken away.

Tall and slender,
Towering above everyone,
In personality and spirit,
She was one in a million!

Her tender smile
and genuine throaty laugh,
still ring in my ears;
I'll always cherish that sound.

For every person she met,
she had a ready helping hand;
She impacted so many lives
by being proactive and kind.

She was the glue
that held the family together
And had so many true friends;
She was really popular!

She's thoroughly missed
every single day;
But ever more so,
on her birthday today!

This is in memory of a really special woman in my family and indeed, my life. Saying a small prayer in her memory today and remembering her very fondly.

Planning to start a new 'Gratitude' series tomorrow - with the holiday season officially starting! Looking forward to that and hope you are too!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

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