Friday, December 27, 2019

Thankful for health - Day 11 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

I'm bored. So what? There are a thousand things I can do....

I can read a book.

Or watch a movie.

I can listen to music.

Or I can sing a song.

Or I can cook a good meal.

Or take a luxurious aromatherapy bath!

Or if I'm particularly enthused, I can even go out for a walk or a run.

I can do any of these things or more because I am able.

So today, I am thankful for a disability-free life and good health that allows me to go about my daily life in an unobtrusive manner and also enjoy some privileged activities uninhibitedly. My health allows me to indulge my senses and limbs in activities that stimulate my mind and keep me cheerful. 

There are so many people - our fellow inhabitants of this planet - that are either born with or inflicted later in life, either by disease or by accident, with a disability or a debilitating condition that prevents them from living and enjoying their life to the fullest. I feel so blessed that I've woken up today - safe, healthy and hearty.

When I pray to God, I usually bow my head in gratitude and don't really ask God for much. But one of the things I always pray for  is good health - mine and that of my loved ones. And I also silently offer a prayer of strength for those in this world that are worse off than me in health. Because I strongly believe that if health is gone, all is gone.

And yet we have such stellar examples of people who have achieved so much by overcoming their handicaps that I sometimes feel ashamed of not doing more with my life. 

Here, it's important to call out mental health. I am able not only because of my physical condition but also because of my mental soundness (or so I believe!). To be able to get through everything that life throws at us, it is important to have equanimity of the spirit, the wisdom to know right from wrong and have the humility, contentment and gratitude to accept that whatever we have been blessed with is best for us. I am not being vain, but I genuinely feel able to exhibit these mental attributes and for that I am ever grateful to the powers that be!

And most of all, I am thankful for spiritual well-being and sincerely pray that I am able to maintain a peaceful disposition quite like Mahatma's Gandhi's three monkeys by seeing no evil, hearing no evil and speaking no evil!

A healthy body, a healthy mind,
A healthy heart, are gifts to cherish;
If you have these today, you are better than most,
You are blessed beyond doubt, so celebrate and relish!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

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