Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Having enough! - Day 15 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

As humans, we are always looking to pack the most amount of life into every breath! Make the most of your time; make every moment count; YOLO, FOMO - all different ways of saying the same thing!

Remember that scene from the movie Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (one of my all-time favourites) where Naina so candidly explains to Bunny on how being thankful for what you have can bring more joy than chasing behind and trying to achieve everything. Below is a snippet.

Click here for other awesome dialogues from the movie

So today, I'm thankful for the present - exactly as it has manifested before me, no questions asked! I'm thankful for a good enough life that I can't really ask more of. We are basically creatures of desire that can never really be satisfied. But today, I want to consciously appreciate my life and be contented with what I have, conscious that I am more blessed than many and fortunate for what I have. Of course, I could have a very different life, a much better life, if you will. Or I could have much more in this life. But today, I'm thankful for just this.

I am thankful for this life, this day, this moment where I am blessed with -

  • enough food in my stomach and fridge that I don't have to worry about going to sleep hungry
  • enough good health to stay active, mobile and independent
  • enough money in the bank that I don't have to worry about sacrificing today to secure my tomorrows; that I don't have to spare a thought before spending on my needs or even my wants
  • enough love in my relationships to keep me stable, happy and make me feel cherished
  • enough clothes in my wardrobe to keep me comfortable, warm and modest
  • enough people and places to call home that I never have to worry about having nowhere to go
  • enough joy in every moment that I don't have to regret not living my life or worry about the future
  • And importantly, enough that I can maybe bring a smile to someone else's face, enough that I can also give to others and maybe make their day a tad bit better.

I hope you can look at your life and be thankful for all that you have as well. 

I'm reminded of this old quote which is actually for happiness but I think it works well for gratitude too. Happiness is like a butterfly - if you chase it, it eludes you but if you don't covet it, it'll quietly come and sit on your shoulder! Gratitude, according to me, is strangely similar. Human tendency is to want more, the more you have. But if you sit back and appreciate what you have, it's quite like this - the more you have, the less you need. The less you need, the richer you are.

'I wish you enough' is a beautiful anecdote from Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul. It really touched me when I first read it and I keep going back to it whenever I feel disgruntled with life. It never fails to lift my spirits. If you haven't read it, you can read it here

And I wish you enough, today and always!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Thanking family and friends - Day 14 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

How can Gratitude week be complete without thanking the people that make life worth living!! These are the relationships that we are born into and the ones that forge along the way that sustain us through the ups and downs of life. 

They say you can't choose your family. I can only thankful that I've been blessed with one that I would not change anything about! With all our similarities and despite all our differences, we are a really tight unit and I know I can count on them no matter what. 

As for friends, I have a really diverse bunch that keep me grounded, happy, a bit crazy and a bit sane! We all need different types of people in our life because if we kept relationships with those that are just like us, we would miss out on so many different perspectives, experiences and opportunities. 

So here's my thanks to my bunch, in my own special way!!

Someone to share the joys of life with,
to share a laugh or two;
And share a shoulder to cry upon.
when life throws stones at you!

Someone to look up to,
for unbiased, objective advice;
Someone who can call out your flaws,
without being obliged to be nice!

Someone to share your love of coffee,
someone to share your love for cake;
Someone to sing, read or watch movies with,
Someone with whom to run, play or bake!

Someone to call you and ask if you're okay,
if you've reached home safely when you're late;
when your unwell, upset or alone,
or when there's heavy rains or an earthquake!

Someone to make you rasam when you're sick
Someone to make you a card for your birthday;
Someone to cover you when you fall asleep on the couch,
or when your oversleep, to shake you awake!

Someone you can call in the middle of the night,
without thinking twice (or even once!)
Someone you can ask favours from,
without feeling like you're being a burden!

Someone who'll drop you to the airport,
to see you off when you go away;
Or someone who'll get you food,
When you're back home after a holiday!

Someone who can scold, chide or scream at you,
when you do something out of line;
Someone who won't mince words,
Because they genuinely have your best in mind!

Someone who is family,
but you can talk to as as friend;
And someone who is a friend,
but feels like family, no end!

Someone who is young,
Fun and crazy beyond compare;
Someone who is old,
and has stories, experiences and advice to share!

Or someone who is young,
Yet mature beyond their age,
And someone who is old,
Yet fun in a way, almost savage!

I feel blessed to have all of these people in my life,
Family or friend, they help me get by,
I'm thankful to them for always being there,
I'll never take them for granted, yet on them, I'll always rely!

I hope you too have such a fabulous bunch of loved ones in your life - to share all your happy and sad, angry or fun moments with. Parents, siblings, spouse, cousins, grandparents, aunts/uncles, school friends, college mates, commute friends, work colleagues - all of these people that we interact with, sometimes everyday and sometimes after gaps of years, still have such an important role to play in our life! Make sure you let the people who are special to you know what they mean to you because life is too short for unspoken sentiments. 

And I pray that those who you hold special hold you special too,
Because there's nothing more meaningful than a feeling that's mutual!

New post tomorrow!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Thanks to science and technology! - Day 13 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

In the last 3 days, I've separately thanked nature and scientists. It's time to now be thankful for the science and technology that has transformed our lives for the better and is continuing to do so every day.

If it weren't for the curious and talented geniuses that have walked this earth, we never would have progressed as much as we have! These are some of the things that technology has enabled us to do for which I feel so grateful.

- Simplifying routine tasks - If we look, we can find that there is an appliance to help us do practically everything that we usually do during the day be it in the kitchen, at work, in the gym, you name it. If you like to and can afford it, you can actually automate every aspect of your life. There are now mobile applications for every little thing from tracking your finances to tracking menstrual cycles; ordering food to buying gold, from reading books to watching movies to listening to music, to meditating - anything that you can think of, chances are that there's an app for it.

- Being connected - whether by mobile, email, voice or video chats, technology has made distance quite redundant when it comes to reaching out and staying connected with people. This, for me, is by far technology's greatest gift to mankind. Facebook has made it easy to find anyone no matter how many years it's been since you last met. Whatsapp has practically replaced phone-calls and made it so much easier to communicate with people. I remember talking to someone about this recently - Earlier, people had open doors and visitors would feel free to drop in when they want because someone or the other would be home. Then there came a time when people would call to ask if they could come over. Now they Whatsapp to ask if they can call! 

- Medical advancements - probably the most significant of science's achievements is the strides it's made in the field of health and medicine. No matter what the disease, science has given us at best, a longer life and at worst, some hope. Of course, not all maladies are curable but a lot more of them are today than a few decades ago. 

- Mobility - Getting from one place to another was never so easy. App-based ride hailing services have changed the way we commute. Earlier, our only options were owned vehicles or public transport but not anymore! Cruise control, parking guides and other helpful features for safe driving, autopilot for aeroplanes - there have been betterments across modes of transport and or access to them.

- Shopping - I suffer from Digishopaholicism which is a name I coined for my chronic online shopping addiction so that it seems a tad more legit and somehow makes it feel like it's out of my control! I have found that if I can think about something, I can find it online and there's a way for me to procure it. I can get everything I need at my fingertips if I want to. This has been made possible only because of the supply chain and logistics facilities that technology has afforded. Imagine connecting vendors and buyers from across the globe just a century ago - that entailed ships and months of waiting. Not any more though. I absolutely HAVE TO thank technology for that! Also, credit cards and digital payments.....so much more convenient than having to carry around wads of cash! We live in a time when everything is sold in hundreds and thousands of Rupees. So without digital payments, we would have to carry a lot more cash around than earlier generations where this was not so much the case.

- Any post on technology would be incomplete without thanking the big daddy of them all - Google! There's practically nothing that can't be found on Google and it's the new age equivalent of  'if you don't know, then ask your elders!' 

Technology has changed the way me move, the way we communicate, the way we interact with our surroundings in this Instagram age (capture it even before you can experience it!), the way we make ourselves heard in the Twitter age, the way we eat and shop - bringing the world to our doorstep giving us a ton of options for everything!

Of course, there's always cynics that will say that technology has not been all-good. If it has given us medical advancements, it has also given us nuclear weapons. While it has given us comfort and convenience, it has also made us sedentary and there more prone to disease. Where we have ease of being connected, there's also the fear of loss of privacy. All of which, I will not deny. 

But isn't that true of any discovery? It's only as good as the choices you make on how, when and how much to use it. I use them just enough to feel good about them! What about you?

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thanking those who help us! - Day 12 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

Today's post is dedicated to all those people in our lives that help us accomplish something. When I use the word 'accomplish', I don't necessarily mean something big; it could be something as simple as getting from point A to point B.

Today, instead of complaining about the 50 rickshaw-wallahs that don't agree to take me, I will thank the one that does.

None of us are entirely self-sufficient in the truest sense. We all need our fellow human beings to help us get through life. Some of them have a continuing larger role to play in our life (such as teachers and doctors) while some of them come and go (like carpenters, painters, etc). Some of these roles are quite irreplaceable. For instance, with some amount of training, I might be able to do my own carpentry but I can't treat myself if I fall ill (beyond the capabilities of Crocin or Volini!).

So today, I'm going to take a moment to think about all those significant groups of people, some of whom, we may never actually meet, because of whom my life is somewhat easier - knowing I can turn to them.

1. Teachers - I can't emphasize the importance of this group more. We really should be doing a lot more for them! I'd like to thank them for playing a big role in shaping my personality and making me who I am today. I also thank them for tirelessly working towards preparing future generations of scientists, doctors, architects, dancers or even just responsible citizens (which, quite honestly, dwarfs everything else in importance).

2. Doctors - Quite understandably, we can't do without this group of people in our life. This is the one group to whom we always go only when we have a problem! And yet, they welcome us with open arms, guide us and help us live a healthier life (I wrote about the importance of health in my post yesterday. If you haven't read it yet, you can read it here!). It's not for nothing that medicine is called a noble profession - it's because these people consciously and repeatedly put us before themselves and stop at nothing to save lives. I thank them for that. (Edit: My aunt Jyothi very kindly reminded me that while doctors are definitely important in our lives, the nurses, paramedics, maushis and ward boys in hospitals that do all the dirty work are equally to be thanked for looking after and caring for us at our most vulnerable. I couldn't agree more!)

3. Soldiers (Army, navy, air force, policemen and every other warrior out there) - It takes superhuman courage and strength to enter a profession where you know that injury or death can come any time. Putting yourself through that so that your fellow citizens can sleep peacefully, giving up your family time and spending months away from them at a stretch is really a sacrifice of the highest order. I thank them for giving us a part of their life that they will never get back.

4. Farmers - This group does all they can to feed the world, despite their own innumerable struggles and unpredictable climate-dependent lives. I thank them for the food on my plate.

5. Scientists - It is because of this group that every generation has a life that's easier (if not only better, because 'better' is always arguable) than the ones that preceded it. Their research is invaluable and I thank them for giving me hope for the future!

6. Hard laborers - We live in plush homes because this group toiled to construct them; People who probably can never afford to live in such homes themselves. I thank them for the roof over my head.

7. Community workers - your local security guards, sweepers and housekeeping staff , landscapers - These are people who make our lives secure by their vigil, keep the area around our living space clean and improve the greenery and landscape, respectively.  I thank them for looking after my home.

8. Handymen (carpenters, painters, masons, plumbers, electrician) - This group deserves a special mention because they are usually summoned at short notice and many times for really minor issues!I thank them for being available and doing things that I should know how to do but don't!

9. Grocers, retail shopkeepers, restaurant-owners and other groups that fuel our consumerist lifestyle - Clothes, food, shoes, bags - no matter where in the world they are made, become available to me because of these people! I thank them for bringing the world to my doorstep!!

10. The point A to point B folks (cab/rickshaw/bus driver, railway motormen, pilots) - Usually taken for granted and many times never even seen (especially in the train or plane), I thank these folks because of whom I can afford to take distance for granted.

11. Government  - It's not easy running a nation. Many of us struggle with our families on differences of opinion; managing such a large group (especially for a country like ours) is no joke. So today, I thank all those in positions of power that are genuinely working for the larger good.

Like I said at the start of this post, I thank every such person that I can turn to for a service that I can't do myself. Because I appreciate that I am not omniscient or all-knowing! Today, I choose to look beyond the minority in each of these groups that may be unscrupulous (just like in any profession) and appreciate the vast majority that are striving to make our lives easier in one way or another.

Let me know if I have missed any in the comments below.

And come back for a new post tomorrow! Ta-da

Friday, December 27, 2019

Thankful for health - Day 11 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

I'm bored. So what? There are a thousand things I can do....

I can read a book.

Or watch a movie.

I can listen to music.

Or I can sing a song.

Or I can cook a good meal.

Or take a luxurious aromatherapy bath!

Or if I'm particularly enthused, I can even go out for a walk or a run.

I can do any of these things or more because I am able.

So today, I am thankful for a disability-free life and good health that allows me to go about my daily life in an unobtrusive manner and also enjoy some privileged activities uninhibitedly. My health allows me to indulge my senses and limbs in activities that stimulate my mind and keep me cheerful. 

There are so many people - our fellow inhabitants of this planet - that are either born with or inflicted later in life, either by disease or by accident, with a disability or a debilitating condition that prevents them from living and enjoying their life to the fullest. I feel so blessed that I've woken up today - safe, healthy and hearty.

When I pray to God, I usually bow my head in gratitude and don't really ask God for much. But one of the things I always pray for  is good health - mine and that of my loved ones. And I also silently offer a prayer of strength for those in this world that are worse off than me in health. Because I strongly believe that if health is gone, all is gone.

And yet we have such stellar examples of people who have achieved so much by overcoming their handicaps that I sometimes feel ashamed of not doing more with my life. 

Here, it's important to call out mental health. I am able not only because of my physical condition but also because of my mental soundness (or so I believe!). To be able to get through everything that life throws at us, it is important to have equanimity of the spirit, the wisdom to know right from wrong and have the humility, contentment and gratitude to accept that whatever we have been blessed with is best for us. I am not being vain, but I genuinely feel able to exhibit these mental attributes and for that I am ever grateful to the powers that be!

And most of all, I am thankful for spiritual well-being and sincerely pray that I am able to maintain a peaceful disposition quite like Mahatma's Gandhi's three monkeys by seeing no evil, hearing no evil and speaking no evil!

A healthy body, a healthy mind,
A healthy heart, are gifts to cherish;
If you have these today, you are better than most,
You are blessed beyond doubt, so celebrate and relish!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thanking Mother Nature - Day 10 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

The period between Christmas and New Year every year is quite a pensive one for me. Although New Year is basically just a change of calendar, it has always had special significance for me because I somehow see it as a new beginning......as if whatever has happened before it can just be magically put behind to start afresh. 

I love to look back on the year that's gone by; to recall the good and bad things that have happened during the year, decide which ones I want to move on from and which ones I want to commit to memory; to evaluate how much (if at all) I have grown during the year - be it developmentally, emotionally or spiritually; and most importantly, what parts of me do I want to carry into the new year. 

This year, I want to spend this week focusing on all the good things in my life. Hence, I decided to start this Gratitude week on my blog. 

And what better to start it with than the reason we all exist - Mother nature. 

We have Mother nature to thank
For the air we breathe,
For the clothes we wear 
and the food we eat!

For providing for us 
and holding us close,
Even when she's threatened,
Or abused so.

The plants and animals,
Fish, bees and birds,
All of them are what
Makes this is a happy world.

If earth had just us - lame humans,
And no trees or creatures,
We wouldn't have survived a day,
On this planet that we call ours.

The rain, the snow,
The seas, the skies,
All make living 
on earth worthwhile! 

The soil that nurtures us,
The air that sustains us,
The water that we so take for granted,
Are all gifts that she has given us.

I would be lying if I said that I was a nature lover in the truest sense. I am scared of creepy crawlies and can't go near them (though they are nature too). I don't have a green thumb, or even a green nail so I am terrible at maintaining plants. I am scared of most animals too. 

I'm the kind of nature lover that loves to sit by window and watch the rain trickle down the leaves of trees, or watch the leaves sway in the wind, or watch the birds flying in lovely formations or watch a herd of elephants in their territory, gracefully heading towards a water body, or watch a couple of rabbits playfully prance around. So I am not an active nature-lover, I'm a passive nature lover. I leave nature alone! I try my best not to mess with it and I definitely try earnestly never to take it for granted. My love for nature is more a form of respect or worship. 

I am deeply saddened when I read about forests being burned or animals being exploited for industry. If we can't show love and respect, the least we can do is to not take Her for granted. There's a very beautiful and powerful short film sponsored by Tata Steel on how we should preserve Nature for our future generations. It never fails to give me goosebumps. I'm including a link to this video in my post. If you haven't seen it, I absolutely insist that you spare 3 minutes of your time to watch this!

So today, I thank Mother Nature for all that she has given us and continues to give us unconditionally, unquestioningly and unendingly!

Do let me know your thoughts on nature in the comments section below. Here's also a link to a couple of posts on my old blog that are also related to Nature.
1. The Day the Paint Box fell from Heaven!
2. A World Without Colours!!!!

And come back tomorrow for a new post!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas! - Day 9 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

It's the season to be merry,
and spread love and cheer,
Exchange some gifts, 
'Coz ho ho ho! Christmas is here!

Wishing every one a jolly Merry Christmas and fabulous holiday season! 

This is such a festive time of the year world over and a time for giving. It's a good time for all of us to be thankful for all that we have and do something for those that don't. Why don't we pledge to do something over the next one week - however small - for someone who needs it. Let's spread the true spirit of this festival and make it merrier for someone, even if it's just one more person. 

True to my word, I am initiating a gratitude series on my blog - for the next 7 days starting tomorrow, I will post about something in my life that I am thankful for. Come back tomorrow for a new post :)


P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

In memoriam - Day 8 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

If she'd lived,
She'd have been 70 today;
But that was not to be;
She was, too soon, taken away.

Tall and slender,
Towering above everyone,
In personality and spirit,
She was one in a million!

Her tender smile
and genuine throaty laugh,
still ring in my ears;
I'll always cherish that sound.

For every person she met,
she had a ready helping hand;
She impacted so many lives
by being proactive and kind.

She was the glue
that held the family together
And had so many true friends;
She was really popular!

She's thoroughly missed
every single day;
But ever more so,
on her birthday today!

This is in memory of a really special woman in my family and indeed, my life. Saying a small prayer in her memory today and remembering her very fondly.

Planning to start a new 'Gratitude' series tomorrow - with the holiday season officially starting! Looking forward to that and hope you are too!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Monday, December 23, 2019

Winter memories - Day 7 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

Winter is my favourite time of the year. Having grown up in Dubai and now settled in Mumbai, that is saying a lot. Because neither of these places gets much of it!

Most parts of the world have four distinct seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Here in Mumbai, we have three - Pleasant, Hot and Very hot! Pleasant is our winter! 

So, you can imagine my joy when I got to spend three months in London from October to December 2014. London was the perfect place to experience winter in since it gets cold and rainy but not snowy and can't-get-of-the-house-have-to-stock-up-on-supplies type cold! I very fondly look back on my time in London when for the first time in my life, I got to experience zero degrees Celsius with a hail storm. Yes, that's how much I like winters! (Eye-rollers, stop reading now!!)

It is rightly said that you crave for what you do not have or get. I recall Londoners, my fellow colleagues and friends, who would earnestly look forward to the blink-and-you-miss-it summer that they get. A day that's 20 degrees Celsius is warm there and if you went to the beach, you will see people sunbathing! In Mumbai, winter sees day temperatures of 20 degrees!

I used to roam the streets of London in just a flannel shirt and a raincoat and people would laugh at me (when they would be wearing a jacket, a raincoat, boots, gloves, caps...the works!). But I was just trying to soak in as much cold as possible and enjoy every moment of it. I almost felt like I was creating of reserve of cold in my body to brave the heat when I got back.

I loved the cold wind that would lash against my face when I stepped out of my apartment in the morning and even today, if I close my eyes and imagine myself walking out that apartment, I can feel it very distinctly! Although I must add, there were days I'd walk in to work looking like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. Couple that with wrapping my fingers around a hot steaming cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Heaven! I'll always remember the river cruise I did when I was there - the cool wind on my face and lightly ruffling my hair, my fingertips going numb (because I decided gloves were for the timid!) and the smile never leaving my lips!

My absolute favourite memory from that time, is the Christmas Lights bus tour that I did. The tour covers all the main areas of London and to see London decked up in resplendent lights and shining like that is a sight to behold! And I did that in an open-top double-decker bus. On this very day five years ago! Here are some pics!

Someday I hope to experience snow. I think I'll go quite mad when I do! I know what those of you reading this post from minus 20 degrees must be thinking - "Stupid girl, doesn't know what she is asking for"!

I also look back very fondly on my time in Dubai since winter was practically the only time of the year when we could go out of the house without breaking in to a sweat in 5mins! Winter in Dubai reminds me of our family picnics to Al Ain, Fujairah, Hatta and nearby places. We would pack our picnic baskets, carry some handy games (basically racquets and balls, frisbees, shuttles) and take off for the day. Such fun times!

Here in Mumbai, winters for me is the time to go out a little bit more (and by out, I mean under open skies.... not to the mall!). And on some cool evenings, I love to sit by the window, sipping a hot cup of coffee and reading a good book.

What are your favourite winter memories? What do you like to do in the winters? Let me know in the comments

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Sunday, December 22, 2019

People - Day 6 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

People in our lives
come and go,
Some leave early,
some stay more.

We are made up
quite strangely
of the people we meet
on our journey.

For, we carry with us
some part of them
that merges seamlessly
with our identity;

And give away to them
a part of us.
forever to keep!!

When in doubt about what to blog about, my go-to topic is always people and life.....as abstract and real as it can simultaneously get!! 

This poem is based on a thought I sincerely believe in. And I often in my prayers, thank God, for bringing those people in my life that I have been able to emulate or imbibe something from. 

On a separate note, turns out the subscribe bar on my blog is not working so even after subscribing you won't actually get the posts directly in your inbox. I'm in the process of identifying and fixing this issue. Meanwhile, please do check back on my blog every day for a new post!!

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lessons from The Game of Thrones series - Day 5 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

#spoileralert - mild spoilers ahead for those that haven't watched the show/read the book and intend to!

I was late to the Game of Thrones party. I had not watched the series through the first 7 seasons. Just before the 8th season was to release, I binge-watched the entire series until that point. In hindsight, I think it was a good decision - that way I didn't have to wait too long to know what happens next!

The reason I didn't watch the series was that in the past, whenever there have been screen adaptations of literary works, I have preferred to read the book before watching the movie/show. I, however, did not get around to finishing the books completely and when my husband told me the show was ahead of the books anyway, I decided to switch the order and watch the series first. I am reading the books now!

Wikipedia classifies the series as 'Horror'! I think 'Thriller' would've been more apt. The innumerable plot twists, character additions and their unpredictable ends on the show gave viewers a lot of anticipation and most people I know that followed the series, literally lived the show - rooting for their favourite characters, crying when they died, spending hours theorising about what would happen next. 

For me, the Game of thrones through its myriad characters is a classic study of people and their thought processes. While there are very few completely black or white characters, all of them are at the very least, grey! They all did things they shouldn't have at some point. The one guy who, to my mind, was as close to white as possible on the show was Ned Stark who was killed off in the first season! 

Jaime Lannister, whom we were initially led to hate, turned out not entirely bad after all. Jon Snow, ethical as he was, broke his vows to the Night's watch and eventually slept with his aunt (though he didn't know it at the time). Daenerys Targaryen, who had all the makings of a good queen initially turned completely rogue and set the very city she was to rule ablaze. Arya Stark, for all her courage and tenacity, was basically an assassin and had the ability to kill without reason - something she learnt from the faceless people. Tyrion Lannister, possibly the favourite character for many followers of the show, was also very scheming and shrewd...not entirely something people disliked since he was probably one of the characters on the show that could put anyone in their place!

At its heart, the show is a political drama with various contenders vying for the Iron Throne. But it's amazing how George RR Martin has written the books and the makers of the show have brought it to life navigating through so many characters and their psychology, plots, sub-plots and events while maintaining viewer/reader interest and anticipation at heady levels throughout. Some of the key highlights in terms of lessons for me from the show are listed below. These are generic lessons in dealing with people and situations.

1. Power is a heady cocktail and makes one uncontrollably corruptible - even the best of us. 

Daenerys Targaryen - by the supremacy she gained by mere ownership of the dragons, she wielded more power than anyone else on the show - and beyond a point, she didn't know how to use it well.

2. Whether someone lives up to the trust you put in them depends not only on their nature but on many other things. For instance, where they are in their life journey at that point in time, whether they are at all capable of what you are asking of them and many times (and probably most of all), on whether and how they much owe you. 

There are lots of examples of this throughout the show - Littlefinger bailing out Sansa multiple times only to leave her with madass Ramsay Bolton, Theon going against Robb Stark but later helping out Sansa, the perennial love-hate relationship between Arya and the Hound, Daenerys' inner circle (Tyrion, Ser Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm).....the list is endless. 

3. Always have a Plan B

Implicit trust in anyone and a conviction that there's only one way things will pan out are a sure shot way to disappointment at best and failure at worst. Having a plan B is important not just to succeed but because rest assured that your opponents/competitors will have one.

Again, tons of examples from the show - Cersei Lannister was master at this. Despite various impediments in her path, she finally did sit on the Iron Throne. When Arya Stark couldn't get to the North after the Hound was presumed dead, she kept her wits and realising she may not make it to the North straightaway, headed to Braavos. Knowing that Jon would not be able to defeat the Bolton army by himself and his minuscule army, Sansa does not think twice before writing to Littlefinger and summoning the support of the Knights of the Vale.

4. You are what people see you as, not what you imagine yourself to be

This is a tricky one because we are always told to "be yourself". But the truth is, when you are yourself, the way you see yourself can be very different from the way others see you.

Daenerys thought she was benevolent but she was seen as tyrannical. Jon Snow thought he was being noble by denying the throne but he was seen by some as foolish and by Daenerys as cunning. Robb Stark was trying to be brave and rule as a king (and is indeed one of my favourite characters on the show) but he never could shake off the image of being 'just a boy of sixteen'!

5. When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die

This is a classic dialogue from the show and one that I think can apply to any ambition one has! It's so powerful because it tells you that you have no way but to get through this or perish. You need to go all-in if you want something badly enough!

Daenerys Targaryen, Stannis Baratheon, Cersei Lannister probably did this best on the show yet they all died in the bargain. Jon, who deserved to sit the throne, didn't really want it and eventually gave it up (or was asked to). The one who finally did sit the throne never fought for it but it is arguable that through his innate powers, he did change the course of events to achieve the throne. 

What were your biggest takeaways from the show? Do let me know in the comments section.

And if you haven't watched the show, I strongly recommend it (it only demands an investment of 63.5 hours, or the equivalent of two days, 15 hours and 30 minutes!!!).

New post tomorrow! Ta-da

Friday, December 20, 2019

Choices - Day 4 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

How did I end up here?
What did I do?
I simply took
a decision or two.

I'm so far away 
From where I began,
It's been such a whirlwind,
Can't say if I walked or ran!

I can still see clearly
when I look behind,
most of my path
though some are blurry lines!

When I look closer,
I'm surprised to find;
The path wasn't all straight;
Infact, in places, it was rather unkind!

Nooks and forks,
Crossroads and junctures;
I've wobbled past all of them 
Sometimes elated, sometimes punctured!

But what I realise,
when I see my life's map thus far,
Is that every time I had to,
I chose a certain path.

Choices, choices, choices
At every step of the way;
Is what's landed me
At where I am today!!

Whenever I was faced with a tough choice or decision in life, I've always played out in my head, a complete sequence of events the way I saw them unfurl if I'd chosen differently! We are after all a sum total of our choices!

I've always been fascinated by how I may have had an entirely different life if I'd just done one thing differently in my entire 30+ years of existence. Now imagine if I had done two or three things differently! That gives me three of four alternative present realities! 

Life is like a decision tree. At the end of every branch is a fork where one needs to stop, think and choose. Sometimes along the way, on certain branches, you may be lucky to get a juicy fruit or two as a reward for your choices. Or you may just end up with dead bark! But the important thing to remember is to keep going till you get to the end of the branch where you can choose again. That's life for me - one big decision tree!!

On some pensive days, I also wonder if destiny's a thing - that no matter what I chose, I'd somehow end up exactly where I am today! Some days, I really want to believe this because it somehow relieves me of the pressure to take onus for my life and my decisions. 

What do you think? If you're reading this, do let me know - I would love to hear your thoughts.

P.S. None of the content on this blog to be reproduced or lifted without permission

Thursday, December 19, 2019

New mom vibes - Day 3 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

'What is it like being a new mom?' or some version of this question is something I often get asked nowadays. Obviously!

It would be remiss of me to do a blog marathon and not seize the opportunity to pen my thoughts on this.

So here are some of the things I can equate being a new mom to! Being a new mom is :

1. waiting 9 months to open a lifetime of surprises!
2. taking your fully normal and routine life and putting it through the kitchen blender to blitz it all up!
3. making grand plans on how you'll spend the maternity leave only to find that it's basically a breastfeeding vacation and that there'll be little else you'll be able to do besides being caught in a never-ending feed-sleep-change-repeat cycle!
4. having newfound respect for the kangaroo!
5. making you appreciate clocks all over again because without them, day and night seem all the same!
6. being given a 5000 piece puzzle set without the reference image or being gifted the latest technology gadget without the instruction manual!
7. making everything you ever knew about babies seem like a screen saver!
8. behaving like the circus clown to elicit just one teeny weeny smile from your baby!
9. upgrading your patience levels from zero to Zen!
10. learning to differentiate between the different types of your baby's cries - food, sleep, pee/poo, boredom, too hot/cold, wants to be cuddled, just doesn't want to be put down!
11. celebrating the little little developments of your baby with grand joy (Oh! My baby made spit bubbles today! He's growing up!)
12. getting a PhD in the colour-consistency chart of baby poo!
13. unabashedly obsessing over your baby's cuteness!
14. obsessing over his growth (I hope his weight is okay; oh his cheeks seem a little less chubby today!)
15. learning to plan your entire day in two-hour slots!
16. waiting till your baby sleeps to do what you want and then end up spending the entire time he is asleep worrying that he will wake up so not getting anything done anyway!
17. convincing yourself that your baby has finally settled into a routine only to be fooled!
18. making watching your baby sleep seem like a perfectly legit and productive activity for the sheer joy it brings!
19. pursuing insane levels of creativity in devising new ways to keep your baby engaged!
20. learning that no matter how much you read or how much you rely on other people's experiences, your journey with your baby is unique!
21. feeling your heart skip a beat when he snuggles close to you in his sleep!
22. feeling jubilant when he throws his arms at you choosing you to carry him from among everyone else in the room!
23. feeling proud when you can make him stop crying when others have failed!
24. looking back on life before the baby and despite all its allure, realising that you would choose the baby every single time!
25. learning that having a baby is a gift that keeps giving! 

Expect more posts on my journey through mommyhood throughout this #30daysblogmarathon!

If you have / have had / are expecting a baby/babies - let me know what being a parent means to you in the comments!

And if you have not subscribed to my blog yet, do that stat!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

My take on 'photographing etiquette' (if there's such a thing!) - Day 2 of 30 - #30daysblogmarathon

A lot of people have chided me for my idiosyncrasies when it comes to being photographed so I thought this would be a good time to put my thoughts out there. 

Here's what I think would be safe to call my '101 on photographing etiquette'! 

1. If you take my pic, share it with me! This applies to pics of my son and my husband as well! Also, this applies to photographs taken with or without my knowledge (also see point no. 5). 

2.  When sharing it with me, preferably share it with me personally and not on a larger group or forum. Please allow me the privilege of deciding whether I want people to see that pic of mine or not! Of course this only applies to my individual or family photos and not to pics in which I am in a group. 

3. Do share the pics you take (of me) with me promptly and don't make me beg for it! 

4. Don't send my pics to other people without my permission. Also, don't post my pics on social media without asking me or, at the very least, letting me know! Basically, just send them to me and let me decide for myself!! I'd like to have the joy of sending it to people I care about and knowing their reactions! 

5. As far as possible, please don't take photos of me or my baby without my knowledge! This is particularly applicable if I'm shabbily dressed, as I often am!

6. Please do not keep my pics as your FB or whatsapp display pic without checking with me first! This particularly applies to pics of my baby! Side note - I've never understood why people think it is ok to keep other people's photographs as their display pic.....without their permission.

7. If you have taken 10 photos of me all in the same pose (as we normally do nowadays), please be nice and share all of them and not just the best one! In fact, I would particularly want a copy of my worst photos so that no one can use them against me!! Basically, what i would really like is that others don't have a photo of me in their records that i don't have myself!

8. Again, if you are photographing an event in my life (eg: my anniversary, birthday or an occasion at my place),  please be sure to share the entire set of pics with me and not just my photos! They are my memories, after all!

9. I am a very private person and anyone who knows me knows how reticent and passive I am on social media. So, please be courteous and do not post my pics on social media without my consent!

10. If you ask, I will gladly pose for you :)

Rest assured that I follow all of the above unfailingly so if I ever take your pic, I will send it you immediately!! I usually promptly share pics with all those who are present in the photo and sometimes with those who were present around at the moment they pic was taken but couldn't be in the pic itself. Sounds fair, right? 

To clarify, this is not a rant post - I've often thought extensively about the lack of photographic discretion ever since digital photography took over the traditional film photography. I always felt that with limited space on the digital film, we always rationed our photos and had to wait until much later to see the outcome of our camerawork. We only shared some of the pics with people we chose and that too, after paying for additional copies! Keeping with those principles, I feel giving people the space and discretion regarding their photographs is important.

Let me know what you feel in the comments!

P.S. general note - throughout this post, I've referred to "my" pics which also cover my family's! Similarly, pic or photograph used loosely throughout this post also includes video and/or audio files of 'me'!

Also - I've finally added a subscription box to my blog . It's on the upper right. Do enter your email id and subscribe so that you receive my daily posts directly to your email (for the next 29 days at least!)